My Brothers in Arms......sigh


Registered User
Oct 15, 2008
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Like the one commenter said ""How is that possible ?"'s called they're designed to be able to do that..snorkels for exhaust and intake,GPS navi,water proofed,etc..".

"Are they stupid?" No you're stupid for not knowing that.
From what I read, their mission was to go out and rescue some stranded people. That seems to me like they knew the risk but knew they had to do it anyways. And when you're fording like that, the last thing you want to do is stop. I've got a feeling they just decided to keep goin as far as they could since they were already in too deep.
From what I read, their mission was to go out and rescue some stranded people. That seems to me like they knew the risk but knew they had to do it anyways. And when you're fording like that, the last thing you want to do is stop. I've got a feeling they just decided to keep goin as far as they could since they were already in too deep.

No no no no..

no commander in their right mind would have his soldiers go do something like that, well at least no Competent commander.

Did you see the soldier that could not swim!? dude I cannot believe I watched that, this is wrong on so many levels, why would you ever put soldiers at risk like that?

Go rescue people in a 5 ton? that is ridiculous. Find a dude with a Boat and get the job done that way. A disaster is no time to be dicking around like we just saw, there is NO excuse for all of the non-sense we just saw.
Well the one thing I've learned since this was released was there was a dam break just prior to them going down that road. I'm guessing the intel they had told them it wasn't as deep as it was. I'd still like to think I wouldn't have done the same.