My Computer died...


Registered User
Nov 24, 2009
So basically my computer has been dying a slow and painful death. First I lost my on board sound and nic, so I had to replace them with pci cards. Well now my sound card just died and my video cards are on the way out as well. And the computer is blue screening a lot. Lady luck really did a good one on my rig this time. Ill probbably figure out what im going to get over the weekend and place an order on Monday.

Looks like im going to have to gut my case and restart.
Make sure you get a battery backup for your rig. Brown-outs, black outs, and lightning can short your rig's components easily without one.
Make sure you get a battery backup for your rig. Brown-outs, black outs, and lightning can short your rig's components easily without one.


I have one on my main rig and it has saved data and components many times I'm sure.
We had a major lightning storm a few months ago and there was a snapping in the wall from something burning out, my computer was nicely protected by an APC RS-1500.
In addition to that if the power blinks I don't lose my docs or w/e I'm working on.

Now I put my router/switch/modem on it and I don't lose game connection either :D.
If it is blue screening, it is a Hardware problem... but if you continue to have these same problems I suggest completely custom building your PC, and don't be scared to spend money on the PC it is for a good cause and you're gonna run the best games.

Also get yourself a good antivirus (Torrent if you'd like) Only get WinXP or Win7

I suggest getting:

4 gb DDr2 1600Mhz ram (DDR3 isn't all that faster)

If you do have money to spend I suggest going for a ATI Radeon 5830

500gb hard drive is plenty space

550 Power Supply

I suggest going for one of the ASUS Motherboards on this one do your research and you'l find some good things

Quad core processor good Mhz if it says it is not over-clocked you can do it manually to see if it is actually over-clocked and you can max it out

Hope this helps :D

try this site: idk if they ship to the US
I custom built this one.
Quad Core 9550
8gb ddr2 ram
300gb VR
1tb hitachi
500gb external
1200w power suppply

I'm upgrading to GTX 470 SLI. I'm going to replace the graphics cards first since that is what is causing the blue screening and driver crashing. I don't have the money to build a completely new setup at this time so im just hoping the new graphics cards will get me by for another year or so. I manamged to get my sound card working again so that was good. Took it out and took it apart, cleaned it and stuff.
I custom built this one.
Quad Core 9550
8gb ddr2 ram
300gb VR
1tb hitachi
500gb external
1200w power suppply

I'm upgrading to GTX 470 SLI. I'm going to replace the graphics cards first since that is what is causing the blue screening and driver crashing. I don't have the money to build a completely new setup at this time so im just hoping the new graphics cards will get me by for another year or so. I manamged to get my sound card working again so that was good. Took it out and took it apart, cleaned it and stuff.

That is a very sexy PC, but I wouldn't go further than 800W in Power Supply

But whatever floats your boat :D
That is a very sexy PC, but I wouldn't go further than 800W in Power Supply

But whatever floats your boat :D

Yea I built this one already, im running water cooling and 7 fans and shit. I might have gone overboard with the power supply but it will last me forever and anything I want to run so in the end I guess its ok, plus I got it for a steal.. The main flaw was the the motherboard its a 750i evga. It sucks, but I dont have much choice right now.