My Server Build Should Be Up Soon...Need Some Software Suggestions


Registered User
Jan 3, 2008
Well I finally said screw it and got a different chip with a higher TDP cuz I was sick of waiting (been like 6 months since I got the other parts). Also got the last 4 drives for my raid, so I'll have a full 24Tb of hard drive space(12 usable). Ill toss some pics up as it gets put together.

Question is, what should I put on it?

I mean I know the obvious. Gonna toss on WMC to stream all my movie collection, an FTP server, some remote desktop stuff, and my tuner will be streaming as well.

Any other ideas for some cool software or services I could be using to best utilize this new server to the best of it's potential?
If you're into web development and/or graphic design I suggest Dreamweaver and Photoshop.
If you're into web development and/or graphic design I suggest Dreamweaver and Photoshop.

I mean along the lines of server type software like streaming services, or ftp, backup solutions, remote access, etc.