My TBG second year anniversary


Registered User
Mar 3, 2009
Well, it was two years ago that joined the site with the intentions of joining the clan. While it's not my 2 year for being a clan memeber, but I wouldn't of joined the site if I didn't want to be a member. And I have Sixer, Balls and Soldier4real to thank for turning me on to the clan. It's started when I was playing in a server and I noticed a name that looked familiar.... Balls2dawall, the guy atop the leader board. SO like any noob, I wanted to be in his squad to see how he plays. I did this... but everyonce in a while they would kick me from the squad to make room for other TBG members. SO finally I asked what would it take for them to stop kicking me? They said hop in Ventrilo so that we all could communicate. Once in Vent I saw the Commradarie and General fun that these guys had on vent. In my opinion, being on Vent alone is enough entertainment. I would suggest hopping in Meat and Renno (his brother) Vent channel and listen to them play online together. Some of the stuff they say to each other just might make you laugh. I know it does me...

The First year that I was member, I was a casual gamer. Maybe playing a total of 300 hours from Mar'09 to Oot'09. I've also did a lot of Pro-AM online racing too. But I've spent a lot of time playing in last year. Since my Closest Friend passed away on Holloween of 2009. Probally close to 3000 hours between BF 2142,BC2 and it hit my family hard, my kids lost thier God father, and my wife and I lost a dear friend.

I can not write this and not Thank Scott(soulszz) enough. I had many a serious conversations with you. And that's where TBG the community comes in. One of the many things that I like about TBG is the Cammraderie. That we have quality and not quantity when it comes to members. I don't mean that would should stay a small group, but we just don't let every swinging dick in that comes docking on our door. You just have to be honest and willing to be friendly in order to make it into TBG. My wife doesn't understand the social aspect, but she understands that I look forward to playing online with you guys. SO it's safe to say you guys are my online friends. One of the many things I am, friendly is one of them. Sixer can attest to this, since I joined he hasn't gotten me to shut up yet. :P
I wanted to share this with some of the new members, and some of the old members too. I think it's interesting to see where others come from, how they joined, and why they joined TBG. Or even just the friends of TBG that aren't members but bring their friendship to the site. TO that, I thank all off you for a fun 2 years.

RC Rigdon
Nah, you're quiet as a field mouse compared to Renno. And you're right, it's about quality people here and it's more of an extended family than just a clan. Even if Soulzz is the child molesting uncle you never talk about in public, but that's beside the point. And yes I am kidding. I tease Soulzz a lot because he's so good natured and does not offend easily, thankfully. Anyway, we're glad you're here and I'm glad to be here as well.
Sounds like it's been a hell of a ride. Congrats on your 2 year anniversary! :)
cool stuff RC

Yeah scott does like to help others, away from gaming, its in his nature to give a hand :)

Gotta let us know when your next broadcasted race is. that was kinda fun to watch you crash. :D
Congrats on your two year anniversary. You realize that after three you get a reach around and at four - ORAL!

I would like to see one of your races also, as I have never been a great game driver (just ask anyone who has the misfortune of getting in an FAV or APC with me!).
Congrats and happy anniversary.

"we just don't let every swinging dick in that comes docking on our door." That's why we have Soulzz mom for.
Fuck ya buddy Its been good Unfortunately I have been gone a year of that But its been great hanging out and fucking people up with u. i love it. I also have to leave for the next month and in july at least 6 months up to 12. Well see how that goes.
Ps anytime you want some good laughs just join the channel. If you think us in vent is funny you should see real life
Grats on your 2 year Guerrillero, havent been around long myself, but agree I dont say much in Vent, I get quite the kick from listening to people going back and forth. I reaaly enjoy fragging with you guys, and didnt hear Renno was getting deployed, also wanted to tell him to stay safe and good luck. On another note, anybody know when my 30 day trial is up, or what my progress in membership is........ At any rate see you guys on the killing field this evening