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Sep 20, 2013
havnt had issues until I installed hdds and os. Does anyone know what this means, I might pull the ssd and install os on other hdd.


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F4 BSOD points to hard drives. Most likely replace the HDD with a SSD or another HDD. Have you tested the one that you're trying to install? Is it the C drive or for storage? How many HDDs are attached when installing Win?
1. 120 gb ssd for os, had for years
2. 1tb wd black mechanical for storage, brand new.

Os installed and when I tried installing things it crashes. I'll pull the 1 tb to see if things crash.
Sixer might have fixed the issue, doing some testing on ssd now it might the the mechanical I just bought.
No issues with ssd that I could tell, downloaded ts and chrome fine. I changed sata cables and port it was in maybe I'll see some other results. Something I've never seen before black screen with blinking dash. Downloading bf4 no issues ATM. If things keep happening I'll have to keep it for a couple more days and coworker wants now.

Edit: mechanical crashed while I opened 20 tabs to stress things a bit. Doing same on ssd no problem so Ill be contacting amazon tomorrow to get replacement.
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Although you can google the exact blue screen error, you will get many answers that do not help.

With 8 years of 'intermediate Windows-based PC repair' under my belt, I always bet on the following:

Windows has run out of memory to write to for BSOD's.

Drive is bad
Drive is not writeable (not formatted NTFS)
Operating Drive over 80% full.
Virtual Drive/Swap File/Overprovisioning/Hibernation/'rapid cache' was enabled (These all chew up free space)

The true test for a standard 1TB drive is this.
Download and burn a linux distribution to disk (Ubuntu for example)
Turn off PC
Unplug SSD
Boot from CD with only SATA HDD plugged in.
Install Ubuntu to HDD.

If Ubuntu installs, HDD is fine.
Well ssd crashed so idk, I had no problems on my tests 2 weeks ago.
Not to keep this thread going but I switched my 7950 with the 960 that was in the rig and guess what Im playing bf4 and no crash yet (knock on wood). I will add the 1tb hdd back in with the 7950 and try things.
Maybe the 7950 wasn't seated correctly in the bus. Most mobos these days have a lever lock at one end of the bus.
Maybe the 7950 wasn't seated correctly in the bus. Most mobos these days have a lever lock at one end of the bus.
Other way around the 960 wasnt working, Im gaming ont he 7950 just fine. But I understand what your saying. Letting windows do some updates and we'll see.
I appreciate all the help guys and Im happy to say things are working just fine. Reseated ram, gpu, changed sata to hdds, drivers finally updated and now putting the 960 back in for final testing.
Good luck. Let us know how the 960 works out...but make sure to use a driver cleaner between gpus. I've had remnants of AMD's drivers when I installed an Nvidia card and it was a mess.