Need the Pro's


Registered User
Jul 11, 2009
I keep running into the same problems. Reinstall Win7 SP1 and blue screen of death. Works fine after crash install the rest of the update's. All is fine till Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 RTM Redistributable MFC Security Update. Crash. Restore kicks out the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 RTM Redistributable MFC Security Update. Works fine but every 5 or so restarts crash. It still wants the C++ to update. So I did it manualy and it still crashes. What am I doing wrong?

Prior to this I had the same set up with Vista and no problems. Installed Win7 over Vista with no problems. Redid my OS for an SSD I had and thats when all this started. If I dont get any ideas. I'm going to take my rig apart and shoot it. I wish;p I'll take it apart and zero out the SSD and redo windows for the 20th time.
I think you need all of the .Net updates first? Not positive. That's a strange one.
Those came before the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 RTM Redistributable MFC Security Update. I'm fucked

What is the order that you would take in an install? Like after the install off the CD. Do you update all right away or install MB, video, sound etc... Then the win updates.
I got your PM not sure what to tell you brother. The VC++ Redistributable is a library required by one of your games. You can choose to hide that particular update if your willing to risk a running computer for a security flaw.

SSD and BSOD's can go hand in hand I would want to explore that but the MFC library really shouldnt be at all related so I guess don't bother. Can you get the code off the BSOD for me. Take a pic with your phone whatever.

My install order is usually to do everything before the OS updates. If your disc is not SP1 I can show you how to slipstream the service pack and burn a new disc with it, that way you have up to service pack 1 out of the box upon install. Even easier if thats your situation I can give you the ISO if its retail and not oem key. ALWAYS install the chipset driver and storage related drivers at a minimum especially when an SSD is involved before doing anything else.