New Battlefield title announced soon not bf3


TBG Founder
Jan 2, 2008
From Eurogamer website.
There's a brand new Battlefield game on the way and you'll find out what it is on Friday, according to a tweet from an EA affiliate.

Ben Cousins of Easy, the company that runs the EA business unit behind MMO Battlefield Heroes, tweeted, "Flying to London later today to show a new, unannounced #Battlefield game to the press. News goes public on Friday. (NOT #BF3)"

Responding to a comment from a follower that suggested it could be Battlefield 1943 for the PC, he added, "Nope, it's a completely new title."

Could it be the new free-to-play Battlefield game hinted at by domain name registrations recently? Tune in on Friday to find out.

The last Battlefield game out of the gate was the magnificent Battlefield: Bad Company 2 for PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. That won a 9/10 from Eurogamer's Dan Whitehead earlier this year.
So its not BF3, or BC2:Vietnam, and I think we all know it wasn't going to be PC 1943. I guess we will have to wait and see. Any ideas? Heroes 2? Maybe the MMOFPS both EA and Activision have been trying to pan out?
Why can't it be a new 2142 :( 2242 :) after 100 year the war still rages on

Because that would require initiative and be a logical successor to 2142. EA would never allow that kind of thinker to actually be employed in game development or marketing. If that happened, they might actually make a buttload of money, satisfy and expand the BF fan base, and increase interest in the Battlefield Franchise. NO WAY EA will allow that to ever happen.
Well, we do know one thing: it will be buggier than Fast's trailer park on trash day.
Battlefield: Hello Kitty

yea it would be sweet to have a battlefield on me. My nipples will be the silos mouth will be my titan, my spit probably the artillery etc...lots of fun!
Hmmmmm, hopefully it will actually be a big title, if not most likely another piece of shit BFH,