Yea but then he would lose an extreme amount of graphics power shockwave. The only mobile radeon close to the 560M is the 6870.
Also note the HP's lower resolution screen which might not matter to most people but anything over a grand with less than that res is a rip. HP also tends not to offer an upgrade on their current lines.
HP never offers any decent graphics for any amount of money. He wanted a gaming laptop and for the money HP just cant compete. When I bought myne the HDX line offered a 9600 GT or 130M in a 1500 dollar model. I got a 9800M GS in a 900 dollar laptop instead, lost a bit of res for a 600 dollar savings but ASUS did offer a high res screen if u wanted it. 3 years in no regrets, at the time HP had a lot of manufacturing defects and was still recovering from the previous generation nvidia snafu.
Im all for HP, but you dont buy gaming laptops from them, no such thing.
On paper you make a good argument but I am not going to debate hype. If you are looking for bragging rights then by all means spend as much as you want I am sure the vendors appreciate lining their pockets with your hard earned cash.
I will tell you the same thing that I have told the over 6000 customers I have dealt with since 1998. I will bet you the difference in price between the two models that if I packaged them in identical chassis, removed the bloat ware and any reference as to which machines was which that without any major modifications you would not be able to discern any noticeable difference between them while playing games that are currently on the market as well as any that are currently in production and that includes BF3.
If you want bragging rights then by all means buy the MSI however, if you want a machine that is more than capable of handling any of the current games as well as games that are currently in production on max settings then get the HP. You will be more than happy with its performance, your investment will be completely protected for the next 3 years and you will save about $150.00 which you could put towards a nice SSD for your laptop. Which by the way will give you a much more noticeable performance boost than either the 8GB memory or the graphics card based on published specifications versus actual performance in real world application.
When you get right down to it buy whatever makes you happy but if it were me or if you were a client I would tell you for the minimal performance difference if you’re going to spend that much on a notebook the smart money would be on protecting your investment and not the hype because you’re not really going to notice the performance difference between these two machines anyway unless you put an SSD in one of them.
One final thought and please don't say that this could never happen because your only fooling yourself. Let's say 2 months after you get your new laptop it accidently gets dropped on the floor and let's say you damage the monitor. Will the warranty cover that, well we all know the answer is no, right? Now have you ever priced replacement laptop monitors? If not they can run on average about half the cost of the notebook itself. By all means get whatever makes you happy but before you do if you’re going to spend that much on a notebook look in to getting accidental damage and theft protection coverage from a reputable company trust me if something unfortunate happens you will thank me later.
Calling a laptop a gaming laptop serves no purpose other than to drive up the price 15 to 20% (HYPE)
understandable it’s a damn mice laptop but whatever you decide if you’re going to spend that much make sure you protect your investment!