Honestly, BC2 is not ever going to be what BF2142 was for me. Yes, it's new and stuff, but the model that they've chosen - based on choke points, and more "twitch" gameplay - is something which completely lacks scale. BC2 is alright, but it doesn't feel "big" as a Battlefield game should imo.
Basically, it's a game of who will outspam and outflank the other team through the 3-4 routes you can take between objectives.
Unfortunately, the model is also not very rewarding for people who play "for the objective." BF2/2142 had the people who would only play for themselves, but imo those people hurt the team a LOT more in BC2.
For me, BC2 is just a lot more unpleasant to play, for the simple reason that there's not many options and not big enough for real strategy. Maybe there can be a bit of tactics, but most of the game consists of you getting shot in a choke point, and... you run and get shot in the same choke point over and over and over and over and over and then the round's over.