Jul 7, 2010 #1 Rocinante Registered User Joined Mar 3, 2009 Messages 1,221 Awesome!!!! http://blogs.battlefield.ea.com/battlefield_bad_company/archive/2010/07/07/new-maps.aspx
Jul 7, 2010 #3 Farstar Registered User Joined Apr 14, 2009 Messages 583 Its the same maps with a different game play... If I tried to do that shit in the real world I'd get hosed for false advertisement.... Its like selling a penny for $9.99 plus shipping+handling as a copper portrait of Abe Lincoln. Its fraud....
Its the same maps with a different game play... If I tried to do that shit in the real world I'd get hosed for false advertisement.... Its like selling a penny for $9.99 plus shipping+handling as a copper portrait of Abe Lincoln. Its fraud....
Jul 7, 2010 #4 Farstar Registered User Joined Apr 14, 2009 Messages 583 And on the lighter side http://lazer993.com/pages/6750350.php?imageGalleryXRefId=1802094#imgXR Attachments ASwinner.jpg 41.2 KB · Views: 18