New PC Case

It looks like my ATCS 840, but a bit larger, lol.

I have a 720 rad on top, 240 in the back, and 480 in the mid on it and it all fits very perfectly. The pump is attached with 2 bolts and on an antivibrating gel pad somewhat in the middle next to the mobo. It's a "perfectly enclosed," quiet water loop; it's almost as if the case was made precisely for it. I only had to dremel a hole in the bottom for the 480 rad, because it was 2mm too long... I see that the ATCS 840 has been discontinued, and I happen to love mine with a passion. Sad day. I hope to use it for at least another 10 years or so :-P ...

How much did you fork out for that ridiculousness, lol? I think mine was $200 when I bought it, or $150 or something to that effect... can't remember exactly.
It's selling for $350 Canadian but I got a deal for $275, expected delivery April/May though :/
Nice! You guys are making my antec 300 feel like that awkward kid....

I need a new case......
Holy shit, I felt like I was buying a WAY over the top case at $200 or sub. Can't imagine spending $300 :-O... enjoy it though, it's definitely outrageous.