New Rule to Server


Registered User
Dec 27, 2016
I propose that a new rule we should have is all squad leads must have mics. If this is already a rule can we have this pop up in the game along with the other rules?
Is it not possible to leave current squad and create your own if this is the case?

Not sure how this will enforced but I don't play squad
Its not so much for the squad members. Its for the other squad leads that are playing. If a whole squad is tacking up assets for the team or not working with the other squad leads, This ruins the game for everyone.
I think that SL's Should have mics but making it a rule is hard to impose. If an SL leaves, someone else gets promoted to SL. Let's say that person doesn't have a mic, do we kick them? that's the difficult part of it. Telling people they Must have something for a video game is kind of strange, I can see both sides. But I think allowing those people to be SL's and then have them fizzle out because they aren't talking is the same thing as kicking them. There is still a power vacuum and someone has to take over and then you're left in the same spot.