new volunteer job woot


TBG Founder
Jan 2, 2008
Befriending grandmas/pas (take them to the mall, shopping, coffee shop, watch tv together) for the next 3 months as my new volunteer job. Its gonna be lots of fun try it out

No this is not a joke.
Good for you dude, try to go for the ones with no family or friends, and preferably drive a Bentley and have mad doe and no-one to leave it to ;)
try to go for the ones with no family or friends

I thought he was gonna do that so when they claimed he tried to sleep with them no one would believe them...just kidding congrats Fast. I loved taking my grandpa to the bar with me, i swear that guy was the best wingman ever.
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You guys obviously have different seniors in your community than what I had growing up in S. Florida where granny spends her monthly Soc. Sec check on blowout weekends with male whores and drugs, and they're just plain mean, petty, and nasty. You couldn't get me to ever do any volunteer work with elderly.
You guys obviously have different seniors in your community than what I had growing up in S. Florida where granny spends her monthly Soc. Sec check on blowout weekends with male whores and drugs, and they're just plain mean, petty, and nasty. You couldn't get me to ever do any volunteer work with elderly.


Is there something you want to tell us Sixer..?
Something about your...previous "employment"?