Nvidia to add Twitch streaming to Shadow Play reducing cpu load from the likes of OBS.


Mar 6, 2011
Everyday I wait to get my 770 nvidia teases me more. The recent geforce experience release has built up Shadow Play even further with the essentials a recording tool should have.

1.8 adds microphone recording simulatenously with game audio which is a must have feature. Windows 7 users can now shadow (think of it as loop buffer in Fraps) 20 minutes of gameplay like Windows 8 users. As well as the 3.8 GB per file limitation being removed something Fraps was notorious for until they finally fixed it.

However the good news has yet to come for those stupid enough to ruin their internet performance streaming to those stupid enough to waste their life watching. If you use OBS now you might consider Shadow Play in the future to reduce CPU load. I have a feeling it will be a little lacking upon launch. OBS support multiple video devices which include the whole webcam getup and being able to compose a scene from those devices. Where I expect this will be more like support directly in games where it only streams the game. But offloading the encoding to the GPU's onboard encoder would bring the feature to people with lower power systems.
I can't get shadow play to turn on no matter what I do. I haven't done a lot of surfing to try and fix it, but I I can never get the switch in the "on" position. Not sure if this is unique to me or not. Perhaps today I'll have time to do some full on searching. Pretty excited about it though. My CPU doesn't need anymore work than BF4 is giving it.