Glitch mob must be lying on a bed of money with 30 prostitutes and a square that of dom perignon bottles...
They did this so half stay on as BF4 and half stay on as BF5.. Its simple economics...

Its a scam to make money from 2 franchises !

And its a good scam!

The dragons would be proud!
I dunno. It does take away the whole futuristic warfare like CoD is doing. Wish it was 2143 but you know the saying 'wish in one hand and shit in the other...'

To be honest though, I really was hoping for a Korean War era Battlefield. Seems no one wants to build an FPS around it. I would think some of the battles would be worth it in campaign mode.

@Ghstops6 So you want to have a battlefield game where there is intense fighting for the first 100 tickets and then for the rest of the round they stand on opposite sides of a DMZ and aim guns at eachother without firing? Yeah that sounds fun.
I'm actually looking forward to it after seeing the trailer. Watching the broadcast now it sounds good just hope It's playable on release.
Trailer and actual results we shall see.
I'll buy the base game if I like it I will get the season pass or whatever it is. There is zero gameplay to go off of so I have no idea what it will play like
Honestly, here's my thing. The last 3 battlefield games have been modern setting ( ones for PC). The one before that was a futuristic game. I think revisiting the past will be a whole element that we aren't used to anymore. I mean there are no other games other than Verdun, that are set in WW1 that I've ever seen. I am excited for the epic fail that will be launch.
This has a lot of potential, it's warfare after all and not cops and robbers. I'm looking forward to more info and a beta release by July if I'm lucky.
I'm too busy with other shit lol. You guys let me know how it is and I'll try it

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@Ghstops6 So you want to have a battlefield game where there is intense fighting for the first 100 tickets and then for the rest of the round they stand on opposite sides of a DMZ and aim guns at eachother without firing? Yeah that sounds fun.

Should really check your history. The DMZ didn't really exist until after the Korean War ended. I'm talking about the actual war itself set in the 1950s where there was a mix of WWII and jet age vehicles and hardware. I'm saying just because we've done almost every other action except Korea and WWI.
The war was never over sir. A cease fire was signed, but the 2 countries are very much still at war. I am sure everyone would agree it would spark right back up if we removed our military from that area, especially as crazy as the north is.
The war was never over sir. A cease fire was signed, but the 2 countries are very much still at war. I am sure everyone would agree it would spark right back up if we removed our military from that area, especially as crazy as the north is.

It's hostilities ended, but the peace never happen. Sort of like you and I arguing for inner spoon :p