Oh I am in serious trouble now, look out server world here I come!


Mar 6, 2011
Well you know I am in trouble when the first thing I do after logging in is sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop.


I made the decision a few days ago I needed to start learning/relearning Linux. My first taste was back in 2004 with SUSE which provided an easy way to get started. Its not hard to follow directions so I soon found myself compiling Gentoo from scratch. Compiling graphics drivers etc. Between the fact that following directions doesn't mean understanding anything and the amount of time it has been I can't say I know or remember shit.

But even so soon I have yet another renewed interest thanks to the limitations of NFO's shared hosting. They don't give us log access, were very limited in the time a script can run, etc. Its just fucking frustrating. So its time to see if we can swing those dollars to a different service from them and run within a certain set of resource limitations with the freedom that it would give us.
I did not understand a SINGLE word you just said, but I was glued to the screen.
I did not understand a SINGLE word you just said, but I was glued to the screen.

Oh well. Putting a GUI on a server is a waste of resources and only a noob would do it most of the time. Helps me go through files and do certain tasks a bit quicker. Plus makes it easier to Google for Linux related shit.

As for the rest ignore lol.
God help us, he's going all in; for the love of all that's good and holy don't do it-use the force for good!
Good timing, steam beta for linux was just released a couple days ago.

Give it a few years, and it might catch up to windows as far as support and popularity and stuff - especially if Microsoft keeps dun guufd with their OS GUI.
