Origin issues


Ban Manager/Moderator
Apr 19, 2009
The last few days I have had to manually stop Origin from running when I'm not playing. Is anyone else having this issue? It must do something between the time I shut the game down at night and use my computer the next day. When I shut the game down there are no problems and everything is OK, but sometime within a 12 hour period I can hear the fans kick in and when I start task manager I can see Origin chugging along eating up 30% of the cpu. Without the game even running. Asked someone else to pull up task manager and theirs was doing the same thing. Not sure if there is a bug in the last update or ???, but it is seriously pissing me off.

Origin is set to run on start, which has never been an issue before. Computer is up 24/7 for other programs and services. Any ideas anyone? Is yours doing the same?
I don't have mine set to run on start. Don't see the point of letting it run if I'm not playing. Also if you exit the game origin runs until you exit origin, nothing to do with the game. On the few occasions I've forgotten to close out origin does nothing that I can tell.
Remember EA said origin will scan your computer from time to time. I would be willing to bet thats what is happening during that 30% cpu usage.
Well damn that's a lot of cpu usage to scan my rig. Oh Well I'll keep an eye on it.
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