Picked me up on of them Razer Nostromo thingamabobbers.


Mar 6, 2011
Just got paid off a photography job I did a couple weeks back. Was at best buy looking for shit to blow money on. My wrist, whole arm at times bothers me in addition to having used this ZMerc for 5 years it was time for something new.


Not bad, it was pretty easy to get into out of the box. The "15" spacebar is probably the main complaint. Ill normally never use the dpad but a time will come to program that for something.

New image with the rest back further and the other lights on:
Looks sleek. How much?

50 at most places. Picked up local so u know I paid retail. Apparently Belkin used to make this exact controller. The concept is nothing new and I NEVER used the gaming side of my Zmerc so i was nervous getting it but the rest for the hand will do wonders for some people.
Pretty slick looking. How do you like it?

For the price I think it deserves to have mechanical keys, I mean why not. I almost blew the cash on the Mechanical Razer they had there. But honestly I do not mind a good rubber dome keyboard and I need to save money. I was hoping they would have the Sidewinder X4 or X6 or something. A real adjustable palm rest is also in order at the msrp. It has 2 positions rather then some sort of slide out.

I have the drivers installed now and the control panel is as good as it should be. But i do not see a way to change profiles on the fly which is disappointing. Honestly I will usually only use it for FPS and maybe in the RARE occasion i pick up an MMO.

I am half tempted to use the button on top of the dpad as my jump/space. It is super sensitive but its comfortable. The default especially with the rest adjusted is just... out there man. If I was still into flight sims the dpad would be useful but I dunno.
I have heard some better pilots have used them. This goes back awhile though, before BF2.
I have heard some better pilots have used them. This goes back awhile though, before BF2.

Id use it for the same reason id use a hat switch if your are talking about the dpad. As it turns out you can assigned a key to cycle or trigger a particular keymap. Good shit, I have it set up perfect now as well so its only a matter of how I feel fatigued now.