"Pilum" pronounciation

[blockquote]I pack a punch dudes with my lite version! Watch out im dangerous![/blockquote]

That's right. He might not rip ya a new hole with his, but he'll surely be the cause of a compressed spine or fractured pelvis.
I've always been a PIE-lum guy. Actually that kind of reminds me of when I was a kid and thought Grand Prix was pronounced "Grand Pricks"
Grand Pricks as well as PIE-lum is epic fail imo.

Meh, well I was a kid, I didn't know any better. I guess the PIE-lum is ok, cause I rarely ever actually say it out loud.
I did a little research and found that in Modern Greek, "Pi" is indeed pronounced "PEE", as it was when Latin was spoken, however, in Modern English, it is "PIE", like the mathematical symbol. I think either one is ok.
Um.. you should've checked the posts on the first page before you did that - I already looked it up lol.

And yes, both are OK, but I prefer the pronunciation in the original language...
I just looked on Wikipedia so it wasn't really research, but yeah, I looked through the other posts as well. I guess all's well that ends well. lol
I have researched this. well not this specifically; but Latin in school.
This was taken off a site that I use to use for reference. I was never told by any of my professors that I was using incorrect pronunciation.
They even describe how to enunciate the word Pilum specifically.

a = as in "ah"
ae = "eye"
c = always hard like K
g = always hard as in "girl"
i = short as in "pit", or long as in "pizza". When used as a consonant, = Y
j = not used in proper Latin--represents consonantal i and pronounced as Y
u = as in "doom" when a vowel, or as W when consonant. Properly written v.
v = u

Gaius = GUY-oos
Caesar = KAI-sar
provincia = pro-WINK-ee-ah
Vesuvius = wes-OO-wee-us
Adlocvtio = odd-low-COO-tee-oh
gladius = GLAH-dee-oos
pugio = POO-gee-oh (not POO-jee-oh!)
pilum = PEE-loom
caligae = CAH-lee-guy (not Caligula!)

Any other versions are bastardized by modern English. If you want the true to original Latin, spoken at the time of the conception of the Pilum; then this is it.

Keep in mind there are four ways to pronounce Latin, the reconstructed ancient Roman, the northern Continental European, Church Latin, and the "English method".
The above pronunciation guide uses the reconstructed ancient Roman method.

But hey, pronounce it anyway you like... ultimately, they all can be considered correct.
This will add a twist to you question.
First you have to ask who is speaking the word.
Country/Origin of the person speaking the word.
Then follow it back to where they originally got the word/meaning.

If your speaking the other language in Battlefield 2142 you would be speaking Russian I beleive.
They pronounce the word "Pulim" and yes it is spelled Pilum.
