PING What?

Satcong 1969

Registered User
Feb 14, 2024
I've been kicked several times today and don't understand why. When I go to the multiplayer page my ping is 75 and in checking my ISP settings they are within normal limits. I can tell when I'm lagging and I was the first time, but the last 3 times I was running fine and would like clarification. I've shut down several items in task manager that were redundant and have turned off wi fi for phone and TV. Thanks
My ping was too high. Somewhere in the 200's. I've been gone several months dealing with a family emergency and since I got back I've had to install many updates to PC. I let the PC stay on for several days and thought all was caught up. I've had to upgrade nvida which was not letting me install my usual driver updates. Now I've got the damn AI in control of my driver. WTF! I've also lost the ability to record so I'm going to hunt for that and reload it.
okay. If you like I can add you to the ping kicker whitelist for now while you sort out the issue.
Matt, thanks for your help! I think I have an issue with a Razer mouse I bought recently. It was adding a bunch of pop up garbage and was a definite hog. I went and removed it and reinstalled a new Logitec 502 and then uninstalled the Razer software and got it out of my regedit. Lo and behold it still keeps popping up so this may be a spyware I'm dealing with. I seem to always have mouse issues, so I'm going to have to insure I'm not infected with anything.
Usually I try end task in Task Manager after clearing cache and lately I don't seem to have an issue, but who knows. Thanks again!