[poll] TBG Scrimage with AOD

If you need me for this, just let me know. I'll even dust of the VOSS for conquest.
Here are the rules we will be using. They are straight off the website. Just replace 8v8 with 10v10.

Battlefield 2142 8v8 League
** New for Season 2

Current Patch: 1.50
Mod: None
**PsB Streaming Server: Required (PsB Setup & Faq)
Type of Gameplay: Conquest
Number of Maps: 1
Number of Teams: 2
Members per Team: 8 (6 Minimum) <- for our purposes 10 and 8 minimum.
Time Limit: 0 none
Friendly Fire: Yes
Rounds: 3 (Best 2 out of 3)
**Unlocks: Yes (all available within Pro Mod)
Side Selection: Visitor
Server Selection: Home
Server Hosting: Both teams are required to list their server information if available.
Demo Recording: N/A
Default Match Start: N/A

-Commander Mode:

* Legal - SAT-TRACK, UAV, EMP Strike, Orbital Strike & Supplies

-Vehicles/Stationary Guns:

* Legal - Stationary Guns, All vehicles & vehicle mounted weaponry
Obviously no need to list your server info, unless you would like to host the titan scrim when the time comes.
Sounds good :). Are we doing Shuhia, Sidi, or Suez for Titan?
Slight change for me, A friend of ours just booked for a Gig( he's a comedian), and we are going to go see him on Saturday night. If the time changes to an earlier time, then I could participate.
It's going to be on Sunday, not Saturday. Apologies for any confusion ;).