Here are the rules we will be using. They are straight off the website. Just replace 8v8 with 10v10.
Battlefield 2142 8v8 League
** New for Season 2
Current Patch: 1.50
Mod: None
**PsB Streaming Server: Required (PsB Setup & Faq)
Type of Gameplay: Conquest
Number of Maps: 1
Number of Teams: 2
Members per Team: 8 (6 Minimum) <- for our purposes 10 and 8 minimum.
Time Limit: 0 none
Friendly Fire: Yes
Rounds: 3 (Best 2 out of 3)
**Unlocks: Yes (all available within Pro Mod)
Side Selection: Visitor
Server Selection: Home
Server Hosting: Both teams are required to list their server information if available.
Demo Recording: N/A
Default Match Start: N/A
-Commander Mode:
* Legal - SAT-TRACK, UAV, EMP Strike, Orbital Strike & Supplies
-Vehicles/Stationary Guns:
* Legal - Stationary Guns, All vehicles & vehicle mounted weaponry