

Registered User
Nov 27, 2012
I havent prepped in a few years now and my food stock is all but gone. Gonna start up again and I think its a perfect time. Call me crazy or what not but the situation in Eastern Europe grows worse, Obama "One Big Ass Mistake" what else can I say, Jeb Bush might run for president (the past 2 Bushes had global conflicts).

My war arsenal is good to go. But what I am worried about is rationing of food and gas for starters (think WWII rationing) I have a family of 7 so this weighs heavily on my mind.

Anyways I dont know if any of you prep or not but I found this site useful and yes I was shocked to find out Mormons are into prepping big time. You can get the same brand from walmart cheaper.
I prep a little, I have a 3 month food store and a go bag. Also have about 300 rounds of shotgun ammo. Yes mormons are crazy about prepping I think most of them have a 2 year supply.
I have a very basic bug out bag but no food rations. I unfortunately live in an apartment and have no place to do that. Once I get a home I would love to get more into it as I think it's just a matter of time something happens to our infrastructure and all hell breaks loose.
I personally worry more about natural disasters than anything else. I do live next to an active volcano that is due to erupt and a 3 month food supply is 3 buckets, that's all it is they just sit in the closet. Since i personally don't give a fuck who is in office because they are all full of shit, I'm not about to depend on them to get me food, water and security in an emergency like that.
are you guys serious?

Dead serious bro.. I have an inch bag for myself and the wife. 2 bob as well for me and her. Partial inch/bob's for our 5 kids. As for ammo i have atleast 1000 rounds per gun for each. And reloading supplies to make each type of round.

I am about to start ordering mylar bags and buckets for food storage containers (10-30 year food storage) And 55 gallon drums for water storage.

Food wise i have been working all week on making a list for a 1 yr supply of staple food. I will post it when done.
I personally worry more about natural disasters than anything else. I do live next to an active volcano that is due to erupt and a 3 month food supply is 3 buckets, that's all it is they just sit in the closet. Since i personally don't give a fuck who is in office because they are all full of shit, I'm not about to depend on them to get me food, water and security in an emergency like that.

Yea if i am gonna prep i might as well prep for almost every scenario. Its basically all the same.
What are you prepping for?

Other than prepping for tornadoes, flooding or natural disaster everything else doesnt seem logical.
Yea if i am gonna prep i might as well prep for almost every scenario. Its basically all the same.

Logic is in the eye of the beholder and "Not Understanding that People will become a Threat During a True SHTF Crisis" can get you killed. "While the world may be filled with millions of good and decent people, in a crisis situation these people can and will quickly become unpredictable. In my opinion, during a disaster of any size, the most dangerous locations will be large cities, or areas that have a high density of people. This is a threat that must be considered."

I don't have any preps for nuclear incidents but after that everything else is fair game for prepping.

Food prepping is quite easy and can cut your grocery bill in half or more for the entire year. ( great for any type of disaster, shortage or rationing by gov officials)
Water prepping just requires some "pete or pet" rated containers and filling them with water now for a rainy day. Purify of course before use.
Gas shortages or rationing I don't prep for. I keep around 25 gal for emergency generator use. I can and would increase this well in advance of any forseen instances if needed.

So basically I am prepping to save money and to be prepared. Whats wrong with that?
Nothing wrong with prepping for something that would seem plausible.

But from what I am hearing these days people stockpiling for what is going on in Ukraine or this notion of "ww3 "then that wouldnt make any sense. Specially when i hear from people saying Russia prepping to launch missiles at north america and europe. That one is hilarious.
The Boy Scouts of America have a motto: Be Prepared. I practiced this to the best of my ability on the way to Eagle Scout and then again in the US Army Infantry. So how can someone always be prepared, for everything? Short answer: No one can.
Many of my brothers in arms know how an OPORD works. Intel regarding a given situation is interpreted and then disseminated through the ranks, broken down to the appropriate level ie Battalion, Company, Platoon, Squad, Fire Team. This is an example of preparing for a given situation with available knowledge of that situation, ie fast rope into a cordoned area would dictate a light kit with predetermined mission essential equipment.
Sometimes though, you have no idea what the fuck you are walking into. So, you pack everything you can that might be of use, and more importantly, things which allow you to remain combat effective.

*Sidenote* Where my NCOs at? How many times have you had to tell Joe to remove useless shit from his pack? "Three, gallon bags of pogey bait? Do Pushups..."

I am no prepper, but I try to keep things on hand that will be useful in the AO near my home if needed. Idiots who have helped the price of .22 skyrocket by feeling the NEED to stock 100,000 rounds in the basement can fuck off. If it comes to shooting, I will not be holed up. Shoot, move, and communicate. Then take what you need off those who are no longer in need of their supplies. A societal collapse scenario, which so many preppers seem to fantasize about, can only be prepared for to a limited extent. Our imaginations can barely comprehend what lengths people will go to for survival.

TL;DR: Prepping is only logical if you can be 100% certain you and yours will be able to utilize stockpiled supplies. This is not possible, therefore the mainstream idea of prepping is inherently illogical and unrealistic. However, ensuring you have the base tools/system that will afford you survival/adaptability in any given scenario is common sense.
Knowledge weighs nothing.

Where i am i need to keep spare gas in the truck for forest fire risks. And i will be keeping 10gallons of water too. I have a bug out/screw you guys i'm going camping bag as well
I'd understand you prepping if you lived over here, i mean, if you were over here, you'd buy a boat.
I always keep a few boxes of MREs and cases of water, and purification tablets and a trauma kit(sadly no antibiotics), and my bugout bag should something go awry. If shit really hit the fan, I am capable of gathering what I need to keep moving and survive. Medicines being the key(horses coming in short second) can find can find food (unless nuclear holocaust,then we are all fucked)....Antibiotics, vitamins, and a few others that might come in handy should an impromptu bout of diplomacy should arise. You cant stay in one spot until you are hundreds of miles from any form of civilization, but you should only be there with all supplies(and non fossil fuel transportation) you need to get a self sustaining AO established.
I never thought of it as prepping. I grew up being mostly raised by my grandparents. They went through the great depression. I just thought everyone had a pantry in their basement with a years supply of foods. Canned goods labeled with the purchase date on the top. Boxes of booze, pop and a deep freeze you could hide 3 bodies in. All the meat was labeled with the purchase date. I would go get food for my grandma and she always say, "check the date". I've been living like this sine 1993 when I moved out on my own. I just grew up like that. Economy, war, gas shortage, riots......shit never crossed my mind until it's all over the news a few years ago. I just thought this is how my family was. It was a habit. Get groceries, label cans, buy bulk and split up, label meat, rotate stock.
i see it this way better to be prepared than unprepared and at a dead end and not being able to do anything about it shit happens people are crazy and some games prove that point shit even today proves that some people can be the sickest things around i choose prepared :D good luck brown