President Trump

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the next 4 years will be like the last, and the last 4 before that....for the past 20-30years....maybe even 40. I generally stay out of political banter, because the definition of "politic" should make anyone question what is happening and who WE allow to "lead" this country, and why WE THE PEOPLE continue to allow this to happen. The fact that U.S. Presidency is considered to be a legitimate role in this country is absurd. Sure the idea behind it is amazing, and can/HAS worked in the past. But has room for corruption due soley to the monetary system. The fact that ANYONE related to a previous President has the potential capability to achieve presidency is absurd. This country wasn't founded for King/Queen, Royalty by Blood. But if USA is going to go that route, we might as well take over the world an impose a Starship Troopers "esque'" federation. Since that notion is wacky...........

Political Puppets controlled by a counterfeit, contradictory currency, to keep peasants, blue-collar workers, and pharmaceutical addicts blinded and enslaved to a monopolized finite resource/policed technology state of submission and fear.........HMMMMMMMMM, submission and fear, that sounds synonymous with "terror".

Terror: Is that not what we have been fighting for the last few decades? Granted, the wars need to happen for our race/civilization to evolve(is enough enough already?), but if HALF the effort of destruction was applied to creation/technology, what could've we accomplished by now? What couldn't we accomplish?

3/4 we have the technology to avert. Yet someone said earlier in this thread: Rich get richer....

**caveat** for all you skeptics: Truth is stranger than fiction.

We'll just wrap up this discussion on this note. :)
A bit of general talk and fun is good. But at the end of the day we are about gaming. I think we can all agree. :)

America FTW. :)
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