problem with my nvidia control panel and riva tuner.


Registered User
Feb 9, 2011
ok so before i installed my new mother board and proccesser, the nvidia control panel would let me set my fan speeds. now it wont work.. keeps saying "the changes you made are invaild". so i searched around for a differnt method and came across riva tuner, but its the same problem, i open it up and it says i need the lattest driver for my card or my drivers arent supported..

and i really need to manualy set my gpu fan because it wont go faster on its own.. any help please?
Did you reinstall windows after your mobo installation? Technically you can instlal a mobo without redoin the windows install..but in my experience, you really shouldnt. There are too many underlying things that will start to go wrong, little quirks youll notice. I have a feeling this is one of those quirks.
Or you might need to reinstall the driver.
Dont jump to fast on those answers of reinstall windows...
i re instaled windows with my new mother board.. i cant reinstall because the cds are in a box in sasckchewan
Or you might need to reinstall the driver.
Dont jump to fast on those answers of reinstall windows...

Normally Id agree, but changing out your mobo alone should be reason enough to reinstall windows.