Project FrankenFarmer: I have built a monster!


Mar 6, 2011
By monster I mean like frankensteins monster!. This goes back to my childhood where having a computer meant whatever it took to get 2 parts to work together.

This machine is BTX meaning, ATX PSU won't mount and a double slot GPU in the top slot won't work since the second slot does not exist. In fact the GPU I am using was donating specifically to fit this machine by the owner of for the eventual project this hardware is headed for. But until then I needed a machine to do some work 8 or so hours a day.

- 1 Chassis contain mobo with Core2Duo and 2GB of ram previously a Yum Brands back office computer.
- Radeon 6670 donated by TechGage
- Corsair CX500M 500 watt psu.
- 250GB 2.5 inch drive out of a USB enclosure.

Power supply is Zip tied and so is the GPU, the hard drive is kinda sorta bolted in:
The zip ties came with the power supply (the small ones which i wasted alot of anyways).

I had to redo the PSU because of the fan but this was before and you can see the problem with the GPU:

The power supply mounted in the proper orientation (fan side down) allows the bottom two holes to be bolted in. However without some tin snips you can see there is an issue with mounting an ATX psu in a BTX, a rather proprietary BTX case a problem:
The other way around might work except for no screws at all line up not one. Not forgetting that the other way around is a cooling issue.

This machine will now farm for me.
Well first run is being plagued with networking issues but other than that seems to be alright. Just need to see if I can find a cord thats not a 100 feet and previous used to strangle people to see if there is any issues.

Slightly more power efficient than the laptop would have been. Laptop pulls around 105 watts at the wall this is pulling around 95 watts and the GPU is quite a bit more capable than my 9800M GTS overclocked.

Well I have heard the most awesome sound ever. Silence. I turned off the main PC while the farmer was running and its so fucking quiet!
Well I have heard the most awesome sound ever. Silence. I turned off the main PC while the farmer was running and its so fucking quiet!

Ha! Intake 120, exhaust 120 + PSU fan + fans on GPU and CPU, I don't even know what silence is anymore.