

Registered User
Nov 8, 2012
Please join me in congratulating our newest Head admin @Irishian88J! He has been an asset to our community especially with him taking on the role of Senior Admin. He has demonstrated level-headed, fair and friendly approach to handling various situations in game and on our forums. He has been an excellent point of contact for the community and been helpful with getting ban appeals and reports handled in a timely fashion.
Aww shucks. You make a guy blush. But don't get any ideas. Thank you guys!
Congrats Irish, its well deserved and yes he is an asset for TBG but he will still get ran over and beep beeped in the BF3 maps server. Add Dragon Valley to the rotation and I'll talk to TBG about a raise for you!!.:p
Some how I read that as "First rule of Head Admin, you got to go look up us as we shit..." I started to think, that's pretty nasty and then realized that's just in my head lol.

Well we all know that you are a very sick individual @sixer9682 Lol.