Protip: If you're trying to traffick drugs, stay out of restricted air space.

what an idiot and that is why you check your Notams before you go fly.

hmmm lets see: *opens notam packet*

No changes
No changes
No changes
No changes
Prohibited Military ROZ.... Huh... moving on:
No changes.


*Notams [Note-ums] Notice to Airmen: a list of changes to equipment, services, operations, procedures, airports or AIRSPACE, that have changed. They are an FAA requirement to check with any flight plan filed at a Flight Service station.

*ROZ: [RAA-WZ] Restricted Operating Zone: An area of airspace temporarily declared a "No Fly" area for all aircraft due to special operations taking place in said airspace.

In lamens terms, it's a big circle drawn around an area you cannot fly over...... Good to see this idiot got hammered, even funnier is that it was hauling pot.

Only in Cali lol..