Question about hacking on servers.

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If you have a linked PBban or Vac ban you will be banned from our servers as well as most streaming servers when they check your background.
Like with all things in life, your actions have consequences:

In this case, your integrity will always be questioned as a legitimate player, regardless if you hacked in the past, you have displayed to the community that at one time you are a person who chose to do wrong, when presented with the opportunity to do right, and play fair.

cheating is cheating. It's against what we believe here at TBG and we do not harbor past or present hackers. Not now, not ever.

No you cannot play here, you must understand and accept the consequence of: 1. You cheated and got caught; and 2. you will not be able to play on our servers or be a member of this community.

Unless, someone else has a rationale greater in depth of what I just listed above you have your answer.
If you have a linked PBban or Vac ban you will be banned from our servers as well as most streaming servers when they check your background.

Does this mean since I didn't get banned from PBban but on metabans I will not be banned.

I have chatted with EA admins on battlelog about this and they said they will not ban me for this.

I hacked those 3 or 5 games.
So for being honest and presenting this to you I will just get it stuck in my face :|
Well the problem here would be you came to us and admitted it. The general opinion here is to ban the known. No matter how we may feel individually we have rules. Some of them we are bound by via external agreements with our streaming and hosting services.

If the post on metabans contains enough proof for us to link your ban to you then yes you would be banned. Here on your own admission yes you will be banned.
The reason you are being banned as is because you hacked in those games, and then told us....Now if you want to give us more information on how to catch and ban other hackers, please by all means continue to share your thoughts.
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