Real Life


Registered User
Nov 12, 2014
I have been around less and less lately, and now I must officially take a leave of absence for a little while. Work has built up for me, and as much as I like video games I have less time to play. Hope all is good with the rest of you all. See ya soon.
may God bless you in your decision, ya video games are fun but they don't pay the bills for most of us haha, sure some are pro like in Overwatch and get paid $50,000 a year, as a minimal salary + benefits, even if they have zero wins like the Shanghai Dragons......the crazy thing is it costs a city $20 Million to have their city represented in the Overwatch League so it's big $ and all that $ isn't helping them win. I mean winning isn't everything, always, we can learn lessons in defeat but 0 wins 34 losses (it might be 0 wins and 35 losses by now) says something they're doing isn't working. Therein is a lesson. As the saying goes "insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results"
I'm back. Now I seem to be having mic problems. Windows say device is working, just does't want to work on TS or Discord. Any ideas?
Make sure your sound settings are showing the correct input and output options.
Here's an idea. Go back on your break. Lol.

Just check to make sure in Windows sound options that your speakers and mic are configured as default communication and sound.

Then in either discord or teamspeak make sure you set the default sound and mic to the device itself not to the windows default.
It's the Windows sound options...

1. Go to Sound Options
2. Go to App volume and device preferences
3. Make sure the volume for Discord is 100% for output or whatever you want it;

discord sound.png
Just yell louder... We will probably be able to hear you.
It's the Windows sound options...

1. Go to Sound Options
2. Go to App volume and device preferences
3. Make sure the volume for Discord is 100% for output or whatever you want it;

View attachment 14623

So Sixer, I see all that stuff you show in my settings as well. Device manager says mic is working properly. In the Volume Mixer, (right click on small speaker in start menu), I found where I can sound test my mic. Left double click on System sounds under Applications in the Volume Mixer. A new window opens labeled SOUND.Now you see microphone under the RECORDING tab, double click that and a window opens. Says Microphone Properties at the top. Under the Listen tab check the box for LISTEN TO THIS DEVICE. I can now hear my voice through either my headset or normal speakers. I can also see my voice moving the sound meter next to the microphone icon. But when I uncheck the LISTEN box under recording, My voice doesn't move the sound meter anymore. Does that mean anything?

I just don't know where to go from here. Win says Realtek sound driver is installed properly. I can't uninstall it for some reason tho. Sound card is built in to my ASUS motherboard. Maybe I should just get a Soundblaster card or something.
Do you use a USB headset or something else?
I'm using a Sennheiser PC 333D G4ME headset. So it's USB to the box from the 3D G4ME 1 component, and 1.5 mm stereo plugs from the headset to the component. Tried bi-passing the component and plugging the stereo jacks to the box directly. No go still.
I know this sounds silly, but it helped me because during a Windows 10 Update I was trying to maintain the privacy still left, so I unknowingly turned off access to my microphone for all apps! I think it's the way the question was worded, by Windows, but anyways to check and hopefully fix your problem:

In your "System settings" find your "Microphone privacy settings" which you can type in the "Find a setting" field. After that make sure both settings are On.

One other thing; if you go to sound settings....device properties...then in the smaller box for the microphone click on the "levels" tab and make sure mic boost is enabled.

mic boost.png
The real world sucks... Have you tried just drinking more. It has helped me. I have also started wearing the patch hoping to work my way up to smoking cigarettes soon.

I tried the "drinking more" thing recently but it didn't help much!
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