Red Orchestra High Res screenies


TBG Founder
Jan 2, 2008







You can see more here
cod made chicken salad out of chicken shit lol

Red Orchestra is pretty unimportant to CoD studios. There's no relation between the two. Nobody ripped anyone off, especially as Red Orchestra is a realistic-style shooter while CoD is run-and-gun.
it look like its going to be one big camp fest with aimbots able to hide behind cover and shoot everyone
Just like any other game. Regardless, it's a tactical MP game.
it look like its going to be one big camp fest with aimbots able to hide behind cover and shoot everyone

Can you say destructible environment? I'll bet you can!
I played the pre-alpha at GDC; kick ass game :).
I wish people would stop saying "Red Orchestra" since that is also the title of the original (full, non mod... i know u wanna point it out lol) game which I have. Like HoS, Ostfront 41-45 is a subtitle.

Meant to tell you soulzz no wonder RO worked as an indie dev'd game without large pockets. Its alot easier to make a multiplayer only game on top of someone elses engine than it is to have to bankroll voice overs and motion capture! One of the things i looked at when deciding i was going to develop a space based RTS versus any other game. Too much stuff in modern games especially single player FPS, RPG, etc that costs alot of money to do. Multiplayer only FPS cuts out some of the fat.
It makes financial sense to use an existing engine rather than to make your own.
It makes financial sense to use an existing engine rather than to make your own.

I know note i didnt make any other mention of that :p wasn't picking on them for that really. It was just a fact insertion. But yeah I wouldnt have ever thought about cutting out single player entirely. It makes sense but thats also why i buy FPS games.

I got RO for free with my G700. Was disappointed that it was MP only since i didnt have net on vacation. Nothing wrong with that fact its just a different kind of game thats all.
given that it will be a good game, they really need to step it up and show us MP footage or something and not just talking and staying dormant.
on the bright side i can't wait to blow you bitches up taking out your limbs and arms. I will laugh pretty hard when i do :)
There are plenty of people that prefer WWII over modern combat, and vice versa.