Report Admin You are gay as fuck


Nov 28, 2013
Complaints/Report Admin
Battlefield 4
november 28
Admin(s) name
You are gay as fuck
What server was this on
Your shit Rush server
Your report / complaint.
I have played 200 hours of Battlefield 4 and about 30 on your servers and I haven't found any other server that had such horrible balance. Not only is it a real spam, but it's atrocious. It's bad to the point that I can say, without a doubt, that more than 90% of the games I played on your servers were one sided. It's bad to the point that I now firmly believe you scared bunch of kids are stacking the teams on purpose.

Thanks for bans on racial slurs, this way I can managed to blacklist your faggot server.
Grow some fucking balls and a brain while at it, fucking peasants.
Really, Sv1tt? People are not placed on sides by rank, however, sometimes folks switch sides to play alongside their friends. I have been on the losing side on many servers, including ours, more often than I like. That's the game, so suck it up, buttercup.

Also, if you have 200 hours in the 29 days since release, that is nearly 7 hours of gameplay per day. Get a job and stop living off the government of Canada. You have entirely too much free time.
Mac, this is in the HA only section, hence my remark :).
Yeah. Our Rush server sucks so bad that it is ranked 22nd. Too bad for us I guess.
LOLing at the first person to answer this thread. Irony is strong in this one.
fucking peasant??? shit sounds like you are the peasant, no job and video games all day.

Go splooge on your keyboard in yer moms basement to another rush server then! I dont think our server will miss you! Dont let the hammer hit you on the ass on yer way out!
I was going to post a long sarcastic filled post, calling into question your race, religion and possible parentage from bitches and/or assholes... but since it's Thanksgiving and I'm feeling particularly filled with the holiday spirit of cheer, I'll just say: fuck you.

And leave you with this:

He seemed like such a nice fellow. Awesome personal skills and very level headed. He'll be missed.
Colorful idiot in his PM's. Banned from site and you did already ban him from the servers right Fast?. If not let me know and I'll add him. Apparently were all just a bunch of janitors and no-good team stacker's that can't play. Anyways good riddance to the future "master in consumer behaviour" recipient. Seriously, I didn't make that up. That is what he is supposedly majoring in.

Edit: PM's for reference -

Originally Posted by Bob369963
Hi, how are you SV1TT. I have read your admin report and must ask how is this an admin issue? Not a single admin has the ability to move players to either team. How do we know this? Because we are the ones that wrote the plug in for the management software. If the teams are one sided have you been the one to switch sides to the losing team? Based on your childish remarks I would guess not. Do our member's like to play together? Absolutely, but they also switch sides to help the losing team, but I'll bet you didn't notice any of that I'm sure. They also like to practice against each other as well, but of course you didn't see any of that either right?

Based on your remarks in your post and your childish banter within I am left with only one option to believe. You were beaten in a video game and for some reason think lashing out at the community is going to fix whatever it is you "think" is the issue. As long as there have been Battlefield games the chances that one side is outmatched by the other is always the same statistically speaking. Has happened to me in hundreds of matches over the years. All I can tell you is that you win some and you lose some. Grow a pair and play or leave. That's the way life is.

Oh and before you start telling me that you can balance people by "skill" or "rank" that never works either. It has been tried in several other game and it has never worked. Rank is meaningless as you can have a rank 100 who does nothing but snipe all game. Yeah you can guess how much that helps his team. You could also have a level 10 vehicle whore who absolutely dominates the server. That is why "balancing" by ether of those methods has never worked.

Woah, there's a lot of bad shit in this. So you wrote what is the worse plugin there is is any BF4 server ?! And you can't even read my email right ?! I guess you are even more worthless than I thought. I almost feel bad for you.

For your info, I am 6 month away from finishing a master in consumer behaviour so in reality, I am the one looking down on you peasant janitor of a low end website.

Suck a dick, you can't program for shit, you are worth shit, and if you think you have some kind of edge because I use foul language so be it, peasant, live in your dream.
I have only seen 3-4 members playing rush last night. How is that team stacking and what does autobalance have to do with us? lol

I would say he is the most childish douchey retarded canadian in online gaming. Disgrace.

Yes I have banned him from all servers ;)