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Member Name T0xic_Mob

Please fill out as much information as possible.

What is the game server name?** -|tbg|- Expansion Maps only Conq || gameme stats

Which Game is this for?** Battlefield 4

Date/time:** 5:30-7:00 am EST

Would be helpful to indicate the time. 7:30 am EST

Player's name** fr0mundacheese

Offense committed: Bad Adminship

Steam ID:

Evidence can be anything from Circumstantial stuff like screenshots, links to stat pages etc. or hard evidence like Videos.

Evidence: Will link video footage if needed! Thanks

Comments His first kick came before the end of the last round on altai without warning. Secondly the rules do not state anything about ping. Yes my ping was fluxing like everyone elses sometimes high but not all the time. Then he was rude to me and did not respect a player. Then the last kick came before the end of the game almost more than halfway through. Bad admining if i must say so!
That player is not an admin nor a member. Check staff page for appropriate name.

Our ping kicker is a script done automatically
No warnings are given. It is a rule on most servers I dont think adding it as a rule is necessary
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Additionally, you could have been autokicked by a plugin to make room for an Admin, OR, you could be another victim of the great battlelog bug. I've been "kicked by admin" before, for no reason what so ever, from our servers. Its just another stupid bug. Sorry for your troubles.
Found the convo

[03:28:30] T0xic_Mob > i would like to know what admin kicked me
[03:29:20] T0xic_Mob > are there any admins on
[03:29:58] Pumasuperfreak > nice
[03:30:18] fr0mundacheese > Look at your ping, that's why you got kicked
[03:30:41] T0xic_Mob > Are you an admin?
[03:30:49] T0xic_Mob > !rules
[03:30:53] fr0mundacheese > yeah, now shut up and play
[03:31:12] xCharaf - US Army - Foxtrot > help at B
[03:31:14] xCharaf - US Army > help at B
[03:31:15] T0xic_Mob > Id like to know where in your rules there is a auto kick for high ping hmm
[03:31:23] T0xic_Mob > not even a warning at all
[03:31:58] fr0mundacheese > wow, are you going to spend your whole day crying about getting kicked?
[03:32:04] xWhitedeath420x - US Army > land i can repair
[03:32:10] xWhitedeath420x - US Army > alex
[03:32:14] xCharaf - US Army > damn it
[03:32:19] T0xic_Mob > No but thats just bad adminship
[03:32:23] ALEXANDERWWKG - US Army > thanks death
[03:32:36] xWhitedeath420x - US Army > eep it up
[03:32:37] xWhitedeath420x - US Army > keep
[03:32:56] xWhitedeath420x - US Army > aa gun
[03:32:59] T0xic_Mob > Do you realize this or are you just going to keep being an asshole
[03:33:09] ALEXANDERWWKG - US Army > sorry lol
[03:33:12] ALEXANDERWWKG > gg
[03:33:13] xWhitedeath420x - US Army > all g
[03:33:13] xCharaf > gg
[03:33:14] xWhitedeath420x > gg
[03:33:14] Gibbons934 > gg
[03:33:15] dolphinsonchest > boome
[03:33:16] RabidMoosicorn > GG
[03:33:16] fr0mundacheese > i'm an asshole,,
[03:33:17] Pumasuperfreak > ggtg
[03:33:35] SIRIUS-MASTER > No i bet your a nice person
[03:33:44] xWhitedeath420x > who won?
[03:33:50] ALEXANDERWWKG > we did
[03:33:50] fr0mundacheese > i have my moments, yeah
[03:33:54] xWhitedeath420x > k cool
[03:33:56] POWER_SEXMACHINE > fuck you
[03:33:56] T0xic_Mob > Then 1 warn me about ping and put it in your damn rules
[03:35:19] POWER_SEXMACHINE > rrrqqqqqqqqqqqqqq
[03:35:47] Caj4532 - Chinese Army > GET D
[03:35:50] Caj4532 - Chinese Army > ASAP
[03:35:54] DeejayApster > get that d
[03:36:18] Seventy-3-US- - US Army - Alpha > forgot torch
[03:37:28] Marsman564 - Chinese Army > ..
[03:37:32] Marsman564 - Chinese Army > really
[03:37:34] fr0mundacheese > toxic, your ping is over 600... you will be banned. Last warning!!!!
[03:37:38] Yuuu > lol
[03:37:42] RichayeTV > lol
[03:37:47] RichayeTV > scared me
[03:37:51] Yuuu > i mean i wanted to but
[03:38:16] T0xic_Mob > where is it in the rules please show me
[03:38:35] fr0mundacheese > bend over and I'll show you
[03:38:52] T0xic_Mob > Respect thats also in the rules
[03:39:11] fr0mundacheese > well i dont respect your ping
[03:39:20] ALEXANDERWWKG > toxic bro, your internet is probably messing up today. play on a different server
[03:39:26] ALEXANDERWWKG > and come back when the internet gets better
[03:40:05] T0xic_Mob > my ping is fluxing thats it
[03:40:22] fr0mundacheese > ...wildly
[03:40:47] T0xic_Mob > it happens deal with it
Looks like he was pretending to be one.

I think we should show him who the admins really are.

Sorry about that toxic this idiot will be banned.
This player did not have TBG tags therefore not an admin...Good way to spot one
I think he was just having fun at Toxics idiotic complaints. No admin on, gets kicked by a auto for ping and demands we have a rule..... Do what? Why so you can get kicked before you can read it.
Fromunda has clan tags in that BL profile that clearly are not TBG, he was trolling, pretty funny I might add. If your ping is hitting 600 you are going to get bounced. This is a good reminder to everyone to make sure you warn players about their ping before you remove them, I usually ask a player nicely to fix their ping please and if that doesn't do the trick in a couple of minutes then I escort them to the door. I would say more than half the time their ping comes down after asking or after the first kick.