Member Name T0xic_Mob
Please fill out as much information as possible.
What is the game server name?** -|tbg|- Expansion Maps only Conq |Tbgclan.com| gameme stats
Which Game is this for?** Battlefield 4
Date/time:** 5:30-7:00 am EST
Would be helpful to indicate the time. 7:30 am EST
Player's name** fr0mundacheese
Offense committed: Bad Adminship
Steam ID:
Evidence can be anything from Circumstantial stuff like screenshots, links to stat pages etc. or hard evidence like Videos.
Evidence: Will link video footage if needed! Thanks
Comments His first kick came before the end of the last round on altai without warning. Secondly the rules do not state anything about ping. Yes my ping was fluxing like everyone elses sometimes high but not all the time. Then he was rude to me and did not respect a player. Then the last kick came before the end of the game almost more than halfway through. Bad admining if i must say so!
Please fill out as much information as possible.
What is the game server name?** -|tbg|- Expansion Maps only Conq |Tbgclan.com| gameme stats
Which Game is this for?** Battlefield 4
Date/time:** 5:30-7:00 am EST
Would be helpful to indicate the time. 7:30 am EST
Player's name** fr0mundacheese
Offense committed: Bad Adminship
Steam ID:
Evidence can be anything from Circumstantial stuff like screenshots, links to stat pages etc. or hard evidence like Videos.
Evidence: Will link video footage if needed! Thanks
Comments His first kick came before the end of the last round on altai without warning. Secondly the rules do not state anything about ping. Yes my ping was fluxing like everyone elses sometimes high but not all the time. Then he was rude to me and did not respect a player. Then the last kick came before the end of the game almost more than halfway through. Bad admining if i must say so!