Reporting a player


Registered User
Jan 4, 2008
Member Name theBureau

Please fill out as much information as possible.

What is the game server name?** CS:S DM SERVER

Which Game is this for?** CS:Source

Date/time:** 2AM or so Sat the 24th

Would be helpful to indicate the time. 2AM

Player's name** Several....

Offense committed: Who knows...pick a cheat

Steam ID: see below

Evidence can be anything from Circumstantial stuff like screenshots, links to stat pages etc. or hard evidence like Videos.

Evidence: I have a demo of a few...
I_KILL_BITCHES was just standing at long A on the ramp killing fools in B and a T spawn and as soon as I went spec he dipped.

(i did not write down name)

Please take my word on this, it's not my first rodeo.
I'd play something else if I could run it.

I think they are using your server for training grounds after hours.....Ben at 2 and 19 or something shitty like that started to say no on is hacking....most these cats were 220 - 20, 300 - 17 and other crazy scores. I understand it was against bots...but until i came in....joined the other team....left into spec they hadn't died once. Just me and bots dying. Then I_KILL_BITCHES (promise this shitbag was hacking) left and new dudes start joining going 15 - 0, 13 - 1 in a few seconds. Ben says "No one is hacking" So I talked some shit to him and said "you're getting in the demo too", "are these you're friends", ect....No response.

My honest opinion is if they have a 9 or 10 digit steam ID or higher they hack or they did hack.
I'm in no hurry, I just like going on there before bed to see what shit heads are on in the middle of the night. I'd play something else if I could run it.

Check my joined on date...

What you transporting? Pepsi, I hope....or Coors Light!
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all the steam id's you provided are not valid steam id's. i was able to search for the players with the names you did provide. thanks for the report!