What I did capture were specific instances where you made the hackusation and the video clearly shows how easy it was to know where you were without any hacking necessary. I actually have the entire evening recorded from the first moment in that video to the point I left the server. That video is very large as it captures three or four rounds. I cut to just the parts where you made your hackusations. I have no idea what you're talking about with the rest other than your paranoia was already in full force so just about every time I frag you is going to make you cry wolf.
Play smart. Use queues. Watch your minimap. If there's a dead teammate in an area, guess what? There's an enemy in that area! If a flag is holding steady in an uncapped position, there's someone on the flag radius with you. On D, if you can't see them clearly, they're most likely in a jail cell or down behind the pillars by the lower stairs. If none of your team is outside, the most likely the enemy is outside pushing for a back cap. If someone fires their gun (unless they have a silencer), it shows up on the minimap. You really should always be able to tell where people are by being used to game queues from the minimap, situational awareness, and your ears.
In any event, the video is there and clearly shows you making hackusations without warrant. You were wrong. Plainly and clearly with no room to argue the point. And yet you sit here and defend it. That is not the sign of a good admin. In fact, it's a dangerous combination. An individual who isn't well versed in the game mechanics believing his own opinion over the evidence who has admin authority. And yes, I've come across all sorts of cheats in my time, however, it's difficult to trust your judgement given this incident. For all I know that user was used to aiming at the head from CS:GO or Unreal Tournament gaming and you just couldn't believe he killed you so easily.