Reporting a player


Registered User
Nov 30, 2015
User Name KickAss-ViPeR71

Please fill out as much information as possible.

What is the game server name?** Gunmaster/stats/no lag tbg server

Which Game is this for?** Battlefield 4

Date/time:** 5-16-16 3:10pm

Would be helpful to indicate the time. 3:10pm

Player's name** OWNDEDbyME

Offense committed: cheater

Steam ID:

Evidence can be anything from Circumstantial stuff like screenshots, links to stat pages etc. or hard evidence like Videos.


Comments he's a rank 7 yet dominated the match so i looked him up and sure enough
the bf3 OWNDEDbyME isn't going by OWNDEDbyME in bf4.

no corresponding accounts either.



spoofed alias - not the same account.


From Norfolk VA.

The bf3 ban

The banned guy that cheat detector is seeing only has 1 bf4 account and that name is totess1ege79 as per screens hots above.
Unfortunately I do not think that there is enough to ban this guy.

If he happens to come on the sever again, let us know in the shoutbox and we'll watch him.

Thank you
@KickAss-ViPeR71 Bro, the other admins that have posted in this thread are some of the best anti-cheating investigators around. They are extremely thorough, and have many many tricks up their sleeves. So believe me when I tell you they know what they are talking about. =)
Okay check it out:

If the guy plays in any of our servers then we will ban him, when we SEE that he is blantly hacking. If we are not in game with the dude and cannot discuss his observable compared with his stats than we are not going to ban him. It's that simple.

If you see him in the server tell us. If he never comes back to TBG servers than all the better.

Discussion over.