Reporting Battlefield 4 Player Flashswede


New Member
TBG Member
May 30, 2024
Players In Game Name Flashswede

Which Game? Battlefield 4

Which Server? Battlefield 4 - Lockers 24/7

What is your in game name? [TBG]Pyroignis

Date and time approximately 11:41 pst.

Offense committed Using Fag and Faggot slurs when talking about someone who simply had high ping.

Additional comments (DID NOT ANSWER QUESTION)
Given the nature of how old the audience and game is we do allow a little trash talk but if it becomes toxicity we take action, if said player was doing more shit talking than actually playing I consider that toxicity. If it was a one off then played the rest if not at least most of the game I class that as trash talk. Hope that makes sense. Alas not up to me
After delving further into his logs. Dude is a keyboard captain, Insanely toxic and needs to be told to stop it. Perma ban with note to appeal.
Thanks SRQ, I dunno how you can look at logs like that tbh, also what evidence do I use with it? can you dm me in discord?
Thanks SRQ, I dunno how you can look at logs like that tbh, also what evidence do I use with it? can you dm me in discord?

Chat logs are shown on our stat page. Type in player name and date and you can read everything they’ve said.