Reporting Battlefield 4 Player Luiliii


Registered User
Jan 12, 2025

Players In Game Name Luiliii

Which Game? Battlefield 4

Which Server? Battlefield 4 - Hardcore - All conquest maps

What is your in game name? smackedchef

Date and time approximately 24 Feb 2025 11:00 PM EST

Offense committed Initially this player stole my vehicle and then teamkilled me. I noticed others were complaining about similar incidents, so I decided to spectate. After only a few minutes he was teamkilling, jet ramming, and destroying friendly equipment. Seems like a problematic troll in general.
In the first clip where he stole my tank, I know I probably shouldn't have fired the RPG but I didn't want to be left behind while he drove away.
Thank you.

Additional comments
I will give this person a couple days of time out (as the first time) so they can see the message when they rejoin however yes retaliating wasn't the best way of handling this. Thanks