Reporting Battlefield 4 Player mkycs98nik0u

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Registered User
Apr 11, 2023
Players In Game Name mkycs98nik0u

Which Game? Battlefield 4

Which Server? BF4 [TBG] 60Hz | HARDCORE ALL MAPS | JOIN US -

What is your in game name? imgonnahurtyou21

Date and time approximately 5.00pm gmt

Offense committed i believe this player was using Esp ,i was tracked through a buyilding and on top high rooftop . i only suspected whenever i would move position ,he shoot at me ,even thou i was out sight ,even to thermal . remember this guy i rank 1 .this happened more than once , as he,s farming kills ,then a another player commented in teh chat ,this guy is hacking , so at least i was,nt the only guy to suspect him . im not sure what this guy is doing because he rank 2 now with k/d of 5.2 . what i can say he,s no rank 2 player . i spectated him and he flies an attack heli like pro . and all the other vehicles like a veteran player,his gameplay did change when i started spectating him ,as if he knew ,he was being watched .i have no proof ,but i would keep an eye on this guy ,something is ,just not right .

Additional comments (DID NOT ANSWER QUESTION)
Could be an alt account - looking at his in game stats I'm seeing the tell tale signs of a vehicle whore - albeit he may be up to something, we don't exactly have any video evidence to work with, unless you can provide some video evidence?
Could be an alt account - looking at his in game stats I'm seeing the tell tale signs of a vehicle whore - albeit he may be up to something, we don't exactly have any video evidence to work with, unless you can provide some video evidence?
it might be nothing ,but the way this guy tracked me ,it was like being hunted by the predator lol . i would defo keep an eye on him . i did try and get a video of him in spectate mode ,but as i said in my previous comments ,his game play strangly changed .even thou i had not mentioned anything about specating in chat .to be honest i dont think i said very much at all in chat . which made me even more sus of him . only time will tell i guess .he could be a future young offender lol :p
Keep an eye out, and record whenever you can - will reference back to this thread if need be

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