Reporting Battlefield 4 Player mrbingala


Registered User
Feb 11, 2024
Players In Game Name mrbingala

Which Game? Battlefield 4

Which Server? BF4 [TBG] 60Hz | HARDCORE ALL MAPS | JOIN US -

What is your in game name? crudeman3

Date and time approximately 02/11/2024

Offense committed Griefing

Additional comments MrBingala shot his smaw at our boat to "test" how much damage. this is first interaction. From then he would take an A10 then strafe our own boats. Then spawn on our boat, to shoot the gunners out of our boat (we were in a squad with 2 boats). Of course we didn't let that happen by tk'ing. Happened about 8-9 times in 1 match
Not this players first rodeo. Chat logs line up with what you explained. This is the third time they have been reported for this exact same thing. No more. Perma Bonked.
Thanks Dan. I was going to ban him once again but he hadn't done it. I did check the info and saw the team kills but I didn't want to just ban.
Thanks Dan. I was going to ban him once again but he hadn't done it. I did check the info and saw the team kills but I didn't want to just ban.
Third times the charm i guess for them?