Reporting Battlefield 4 Player Snaggletooth


Registered User
Jan 22, 2024
Players In Game Name Snaggletooth

Which Game? Battlefield 4

Which Server? BF4 [TBG] 60Hz | HARDCORE ALL MAPS | JOIN US -

What is your in game name? alva46

Date and time approximately 27/07/2024 15:30

Offense committed spawnkilling

Additional comments I was searching for a SOFLAM that was lasing me before (you can see me trying to blow it up with a TV before) and he shot at spawn.
kinda bs that admins saw this thread and didn't do anything, not like I really want the guy banned or anything but just saying.
Well to put you to rest, We were discussing this report in our discord last night, We only got to a consensus on what to do with it recently.

Snaggletooth is a regular on the server, No that doesn't excuse breaking the rules it just means he understands them. That being said You were sitting on the carrier for quite a while doing seemingly nothing. He could have just spawned and seen you there and taken the shot, who knows. On hardcore especially it is quite difficult to determine if you had shot out of spawn already whilst sitting on the carrier with a sniper rifle.

Your video also only shows him doing it the one time which hardly warrants a ban.

We will however note this down and watch to see if other reports pop up for this player doing this.