Players In Game Name Vandrarider
Which Game? Battlefield 4
Which Server? BF4 [TBG] 60Hz | HARDCORE ALL MAPS | JOIN US -
What is your in game name? Joel803
Date and time approximately 12/2/2023 2am
Offense committed Intentionally tking me and my teammates to ruin the game, killed all the vehicles which caused us to get spawn killed
Additional comments hard video evidence, you can see in the short clip he tked others as well in the kill feed. He did it multiple times to multiple people and i finally got my recording to work.
Which Game? Battlefield 4
Which Server? BF4 [TBG] 60Hz | HARDCORE ALL MAPS | JOIN US -
What is your in game name? Joel803
Date and time approximately 12/2/2023 2am
Offense committed Intentionally tking me and my teammates to ruin the game, killed all the vehicles which caused us to get spawn killed
Additional comments hard video evidence, you can see in the short clip he tked others as well in the kill feed. He did it multiple times to multiple people and i finally got my recording to work.