Resolution vs Hit Box


Registered User
Jul 14, 2016
Does anyone know if there is real truth to the theory of there being a bigger hit box with lower resolution? I know people that have no issues with FPS play at 1080p then some online say the play at 720p or 900p for better hit registration because of biggers pixels. I have tried it a while back but I am thinking it was just a plesibo effect and hard to tellif it actually worked. My clan sucks at replying on the website becuase most of them seem to forget about it or are away.
Hit registration is determined by the server. Not by your resolution. Some play at a lower resolution to get highter frame rates as there is such a thing as input lag, especially if you're playing on a monitor locked at 60Hz. This is why there are monitors capable of rolling up to 144Hz.

There is some truth of playing at 1280 x 960 in say 4:3 which does stretch the image out a bit, but that is more towards player preference. Some players feel it helps out with target acquisition as the objects are slightly larger. I play at full 1080p but I also play with 110 FOV. Doesn't change the size of the hit box.

If you need more info I suggest looking it up on YouTube as there are a tone of videos that discuss the question in more detail.