Reviving Classic Home Defense Debates: Shotgun or AR platform?

Heya, totally new here (played on your BC2 servers frequently though), but I just had to respond to this as guns are a passion of mine.

I personally prefer a 9mm or .40SW pistol for home defense, you just can't beat the size and ability to bring it to bare quickly. But I realize that it isn't always practical or legal (I'm looking at you Chicago). So my second choice would be a shotgun with a home defense specific round, or possibly a rifle/smg style gun using pistol rounds. The main reason for that would be the inexpensiveness and ease of use for a shotgun.

As far as what is safest for use in a apartment or where over penetration is a concern. Its kind of a wash to be honest. Check out this study for details: .223 Drywall Penetration: Introduction

So what is your opinion or personal choice?
Shotgun all the way. You dont want a rifle that fires a projectile moving 3100 FPS for home defense. It has a tendency of going through the walls and hitting people that you don't want it to. Shotgun all the way.

Good point, but hey at least you can get both the asshole in your house, and the asshole robbing your Neighbor's TV in the same shot, you know what they say about loving thy neighbor.

I vote shotgun. Although it nothing less than American to own both.

What do you think about something like an MP5 or a old school Thompson, I know it s a little ridiculous, but if you could get access to it, it would be a pretty good option.
Shotgun so atleast when my kids walk into the hallway to see what all the fus is about they will only take a few stray pellets to the face. Unlikely but seriously beanbag rounds. I dont want to be like that cop who accidently shot his mother.