Rust - Best Recommendation Ever On Steam


Sep 2, 2012

This is what made me purchase the game.
soooooo....what server u playing on. I am both of ours and never see anyone

speaking of which...what is up with our servers here lately? player commands no longer work in chat...i.e. /who or /players...etc Also, on our Oxide server the ability to destroy things with your axe or pick is no longer functional???
i dont our serve the kit started or the lower crafting speed i like the game by default me an turbotoast being playing on oficioal us 4 we have a good base there if u want to join us
We're going to try and get our server/s back and going again with a little more regularity in the next week or so. I think Heat and Sid are the only people at the moment with controls over the server. A few of us have bounced around on a few public servers to see what sort of things are out there and I think we have a few good ideas in mind. I would hate to make ANOTHER rust thread... but will in a few days discussing a plan of attack on some things (including trying to populate).
Yes, I would like to see our servers get some players. At present they are both pretty much dead and whoever was there playing has given up and moved on to greener pastures. This shot is of the largest of 3 different camps I see decaying on our Oxide server. Quite an investment in metal going to waste. I built the outside staircase to empty his storage bins.

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I love this game. Also a huge thanks to Mako who helped me get started.
If we are going to get somewhere with rust we need a better provider.

Sadly the developer feels that smaller gsps should have access not sure what the logic is behind this.

Gsp that take more than 20 hours to answer one simple support ticket is unacceptable. Got me pulling out my hair. (Not really you get the point though)

Current gsps are not on the ball with updates, lots of delays.

Their hardware is not all that great.

Those are the challenges right now with rust.

There is one big gsp out there that does offer it and should consider switching to them only because the support response will be faster and most likely have better hardware.
Sorry also a plugin update came out this weekend, I was away the entire weekend (on a whim) and going to bed tonight but I'll fix it tomorrow.
Yes, I would like to see our servers get some players. At present they are both pretty much dead and whoever was there playing has given up and moved on to greener pastures. This shot is of the largest of 3 different camps I see decaying on our Oxide server. Quite an investment in metal going to waste. I built the outside staircase to empty his storage bins.

thats my metal base, its a shame what it has become. i put so much time and effort into building that base and to see it in its current state is pretty sad. i moved onto a different server after i got bored with playing by myself for 4-5 days.
That was your place Art Vanderlay?? I seen ya a few times on there....never knew where you lived till I found this. Get back over here and fix this shit

I have a decent metal pad on our Oxide server also which I hope wont go to waste. I had built another place over by Sids castle, but someone broke in and stole all my C4 and such.
That's when I built this impregnable seaside fortress.


Violence - My pleasure on the assistance last night on our server. Always wiling to help out new players!

I joined Konrak last night on US Central 4 Official for a bit and oh man what a difference when there are 60 people playing around you. Kill or be killed was the
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On a server we played last night you can set home and teleport there with a command in chat. It does take 30 seconds from the time you type the command to actually teleport, but it's incredibly useful and we found ourselves venturing out further from base then we normally would since we knew we wouldn't have to walk home. It's also useful if you get lost.