Update: Fixed up some shit with some error spam in logs, chat filter doesn't work probably because of the Oxide update yesterday, it probably won't until the plugin author updates it. Found a capitalization error in the loot lists, minor affects MP5 and M4 blueprint dropping - previously it ended up not being possible due to the cap error, they should drop (rarely) now. Bolt action BP doesn't exist in the game yet I think, only the gun with a research kit.
Admining update: All admining will be done through Oxmin from now on. Following CMD are available to people with all flag. You don't need to log in, the permissions are managed through the backend and it looks pretty secure with good identity checks:
Chat Commands
- /kick "player name"
Requires flag "cankick"
Immediately kicks the target player
- /ban "player name"
Requires flag "canban"
Immediately kicks and bans the target player permanently
- /unban "player name"
Requires flag "canban"
Unbans the target player
- /lua "code"
Requires flag "canlua"
Executes a line of Lua code
- /god
Requires flag "cangod"
Gives the caller the "godmode" flag
- /airdrop
Requires flag "cancallairdrop"
Calls an airdrop
- /give "item name" "quantity"
Gives the caller the specified item
- /help
Fills the caller's chat with help text (drawn from "SendHelpText" hook)
- /who
Displays the number of players currently online
- /tp "player name"
Requires flag "canteleport"
Teleports the caller to the target player
As of today, Sid is the only one who has admin. If someone else wants it, PM me.
Note the plugin accepts partial names, but also note that they must be capitalized properly, i.e. /kick derp won't work for a player with a name herPdErPiO. However, /kick dErP should.
Need to test tomorrow, but pretty sure it works just fine.
The following CMD are available for the chat filter, but that plugin seems broken right now. The filter shows enabled but doesn't work, not sure if muting does either. Can't really do anything about it but wait for the author to update it or for Oxide to fix their shit if they broke something as of now. The permissions for these seem inherited from Oxmin above, so it acts as a nice extension to that (when it works):
- /mute Name - This will add a player to the mute list.
- /unmute Name - This will remove a player from the mute list.
- /globalmute - Enables and disables the global mute.
- /chatfilter - Enables and disables the chat filter.
- /clearmutelist - Clears the entire mute list.