Screen flickering between fullscreen and windowed.


Registered User
Oct 17, 2008
Ok, so I pulled out the GTX 260 and replaced it with a GTX 550 Ti. Was playing BC2 this afternoon and the screen kept flickering between fullscreen and windowed modes (and getting me killed because it wasn't recieving keyboard input while in windowed). It also did some wierd flcikering on my desktop as well when I wasn't in game too. A few left clicks and it would go back to fullscreen. According to google, I'm not the only one this is happening to, but no clear answers as to a solution. Any suggestions (and don't tell me to get a new card, cause it ain't happenin'!)?

I'm running (in addition to the 550 Ti):
Win 7 HP (all updates applied)
Phenom II X4 2.9GHz
10GB DDR3 (3x2GB / 1x4GB)
Recon Fatl1ty Pro sound card
650W PSU (Watt calc tells me I need 550W)

Drivers for everything are up-to-date.

Any help would be appreciated - I vow to revisit BF3 if someone can get this working.

Could be that the card is trying to output a resolution that the monitor doesn't like?
I'm thinking along those lines too Rails. What resolution are you trying to run it at Rim?
oh shit rim back from the dead. Sorry you having issues right now but good to see you.
I got the fix. Throw that pos PC of yours against the wall. Plug it back in and you should be good. :)

Nice to see ya bud. BF3 has a TV missile for you.
I'm on a the native resolution of 1920x1080. The game is set the same way.

And thanks for the shout outs fellas. It's good to be "back" (even though I never really left). I took a different job that was consuming a lot of my time, and my GTX 260 couldn't handle the load of BF3 (and I was getting my ass handed to me on each spawn). Plus I became a gunship "commodity" of sorts in 2142 and it felt really good to be owning - so I just stuck with 2142. So, after getting the new sound card, new video card and a Death Adder - I decided to revisit BF3.

Just like BC2, after investing a little bit of time in the game, it's getting better! I'm guessing just about the time I start really liking it and getting good - BF4 will be out and everyone will leave again (sigh).

Also, if possible - if there are admin/VIP lists for BC2 and BF3 that I'm not a part of - could someone please add me? I'd really appreciate it.