sleep paralysis


TBG Founder
Jan 2, 2008
Was talking about rain and I got this once. Its pretty fucking crazy. Couldn't move or talk but eyes wide open lasted for about 30 seconds. Can hear myself breathing and thats it. I thought it was dream because it looked like my bedpost was a person. Weird shit anyone get this?
One Flew Over The CucKoo's Nest, stop being such a Jack
Actually FAST i just thought of something, you do take sleeping pills.

I have never experienced the issue but I have been caught in between states as i explained to him. I can take my arm and shake myself awake if I have to.
Its called acid Balls, but God knows what those Canadians mixing it with these days...lmao
FAST, you should check with your supplier.
lol assholes.......

It only happened to me once. Ironically few days priors friends of mine were talking about how they hated it blah blah. I was like yeah ok good this shit doesn't happen to me. Nop jinx myself :(

It could of been shorter but seemed like a long time. I felt like i was dying and couldn't do shit. But i just blacked out after that. So helpless!!!!! :(
Was talking about rain and I got this once. Its pretty fucking crazy. Couldn't move or talk but eyes wide open lasted for about 30 seconds. Can hear myself breathing and thats it. I thought it was dream because it looked like my bedpost was a person. Weird shit anyone get this?

That's not uncommon actually. I used to have that when sleeping on my back and it was a pinched nerve in my neck that caused this sporadically. I finally got an orthopedic pillow and haven't had it since.
yeah i was on my back when i got it as well. My friend got it with his chest facing down on the bed. LOL he said he felt like suffocating cause he was stuck there.
Was talking about rain and I got this once. Its pretty fucking crazy. Couldn't move or talk but eyes wide open lasted for about 30 seconds. Can hear myself breathing and thats it. I thought it was dream because it looked like my bedpost was a person. Weird shit anyone get this?

you can't even call out for help and you feel someones on top of your chest pressing down. I know how it is. I use to get this all the time. it's due to no sleep or too much stress. freaky shit for sure. I think its alien abduction. lol.
I haven't had it before, but if I jump up out of bed to fast I can pass out. That has happen to me a dozen times or so. I use to think it was funny until I fell and broke my nose. But, I think sleep paralyses would freak me out.
...My friend got it with his chest facing down on the bed. LOL he said he felt like suffocating cause he was stuck there.

You had your friend face down on the bed? Why am I not shocked by this revelation?
That's not uncommon actually. I used to have that when sleeping on my back and it was a pinched nerve in my neck that caused this sporadically. I finally got an orthopedic pillow and haven't had it since.

Same here. I used to have that on a regular basis until I got an orthopedic pillow.