Slow Loading Maps


Registered User
Oct 17, 2008
So, since I've patched to 1.51, seems like every map I try to load takes forever. And not like 10 mins, like eternity.

Is there something I need to do? I have updated PB already.

Should I do a clean install?
No idea, Rim. My loading times seem to be the same as before, also, the occasional crash of the server. Great fix, huh? BTW, did you realize how much you resemble Avery Brooks?
Mine took a lot longer the first time they loaded, but only the first time. Does it happen every time?
Yes, it happens every time.. but I think I figured it out...

When I got my new rig - it came with Webroot.. so for shits and giggles I installed it. Now, what I DIDN'T know was that when I right-clicked and closed it from the system tray - that just closed the icon and not the app. And when I tried to disable it's service in services.msc... I got an "Access Denied" message.

Needless to say, anything that is going to be that much of a pain in the ass and does not let me, the owner, control it - not even from an admin stand point, is promptly uninstalled.

After uninstalling - map loading is normal now.
Only loading time issues I had were the first time for any map to load, something to do with adjusting the shaders, etc., because I had to crank all my settings back up after doing a clean install. Other than that, I have not had any extra long load times so far. Might want to think about that clean install.

I've been losing connections like crazy the last few days, but that's due to the Satanic cult that calls itself Time-Warner Cable...

EDIT: Shit, you posted while I was typing. Nevermind. ( And yes, all you Yankees look alike! ) Wait, I live in Cleveland... Shit!