Smokeyw - aimbot

I can confirm this, it was painfully obvious, two instances of him shooting me through a wall in the head with obviously no knowledge of where I was. He never really denied it as well.

As a side note - do you think someone you trust on the server can get admin powers so if we have a credible threat like we've had a bunch of lately we can do something more than post? Was wondering if that was cool, since no admins play on the server anymore (WAW server).

demo not necessary on this one i got him in time.

@ultra You need to be a member in order to have admin. I understand where you are coming from but we do our best in responding. I think we do a good job too. usually all responded in 10-15 minutes sometimes sooner.
Well the "clan" I'm in was just a group of friends, and I haven't seen more than one play for months and months. If that's a path I need to take so that hackers aren't running rampant on the server, I'm down. I only have WAW, though, and probably don't have much time to compete, if that's something you guys do. I figure you must. I really only know butter, as he was mostly the only one that ever played on this server.
We are predominantly a non competitive group. You need to be willing to get to know others cause in the end we have to vote you in. You shouldn't apply to us just because you are looking for admin. There is more here at TBG than just looking for admin.
Yea joining just for admin rights isn't what TBG is about. Aside from that you wouldn't pass the trial if that's all you want out of the clan. You need to go through a trial period and then get voted in by current members. I often refer to TBG as something more like a family than anything. We aren't just a bunch of people from all over the internet that you will never have to worry about seeing in real life. We do make attempts to see each other outside of the internet too.
FAST you are right, someone usually gets to the server with in 10-15 mins. Sometimes sooner. I know when someone posts a demo it doesnt take long for the hacker to get the boot. I think it just seems like a long time to some of the players because of the wait. And you are also right in the fact that you guys DO do a good job in responding.

Plus it seems like longer when the player posting the demo has to record the player, leave the server (in my case), goto the file sharing website and upload it. Then have to goto the TBG website and post the link to the demo. Over all you guys do a great job at policing the server. Since this is the only one i play on i kinda call it home. Keep up the good work.
First of all let me apologize on the tone of my previous post. I did not mean to imply that you guys did not do a good job, but it certainly came out that way. What I meant to say is that it would be nice to have more of a presence inside of WAW again, at least on this server (which is pretty much the only one I play on). I haven't seen butter in many weeks, and he was the only TBG I'd ever seen there.

As for joining, the non-competitive is probably a good thing. While I've gotten better than I was as of late, I'm very streaky and my real life commitments often get in the way of things like matches and such. Although being able to help monitor the server would be a bonus of joining, most clans don't even give admin privileges to new members, so I wouldn't expect that. I do realize it sounded like that was my only concern, but that wasn't necessarily it. It'd be nice to have a group of people to play with again. My last clan was pretty much like that, but I haven't seen anyone from it in years.

Anyways, long story short, I would be interested in meeting the rest of you. Any chance I can get you to come on the WAW server? :)
You can always ask for the Vent info and get to know us that way. We all have other commitments in the real world. Jobs, school, families, and friends and everything else that is part of life. This community is a great bunch of friends that have a common goal in the gaming world, but understand that it is not our primary reason for existence. Regardless we all pull together for the betterment of our community.