So are we taking bets on this thing yet? lol


Mar 6, 2011
This ones for Erik because I know how much he loves idiots who overclock overclocked cards.


Looks like I will never hit 1Ghz with this thing. Bios came up pretty empty I cant edit it for shit and despite the triple over voltage as advertised its not even supported in Afterburner yet... what the fuck. Takes 2.2 Beta 2 just to get access to the voltage offset at all.

Stock overclock - 770/1540 @ 0.950
My Current Daily - 875/1750 @ 0.950
Currently burning - 950/1900 @ 1.068

Yes I recently killed a used 8800 GT while folding, possibly not because I overclocked it. Dunno about that one the capacitors where extra whiny and it was on stock voltages under its coolest load temps ever when it died.

So my folding clocks are - 700/1400 @ 0.850 just to be safe :p

My Current Victim - The MSI GTX 570 Twin Frozr III Power Edition:
Currently running - 952/1402

Core and memory right? ATi guys shader clocks are auto double the core i remember that right. I havent touched the 2Ghz memory setting yet its already overclocked :p

I touched 975 core on +125 mv offset seemed like it might hold but Im heading to sleep for a bit not trying to stability test. I know 1Ghz @ +150 = fail already.
Yes. I'm now one those guys I somewhat complained about. OCing a already OC'd card. The core and memory are 60 above stock.

Yeah well the factory 50mhz over stock overclock is nothing anyways id expect a little more out of it so thats what were going for right?. Well maybe I am going for insane but. This isnt evga's superclocked bs either. It actually has a decent cooler on it. In BF3 I never go over 56C and only in 950Mhz and burning have I exceeded 59C into like 62C.

I tell you what though only when I looked at the Kill a Watt on the wall and saw an extra 50 watts being pulled did i start to worry. Thats a lot over stock.